1. RealFevr

1.1 RealFevr is a registered brand, a trademark and a company specialized in the creation and development of Fantasy Leagues.

1.2 These terms and conditions regulate your use of the RealFevr website.

1.3 RealFevr provides a sports-related website that offers online Fantasy Leagues to the user, based on real life statistics of national or international competitions.

1.4 These terms and conditions establish the rights and obligations of registered users on the website (http://www.realfevr.com and all regional variations), hereinafter referred to as RealFevr. The contents of this website are for informational purposes only, so nothing in this platform has any contractual relationship.

1.5 RealFevr can be accessed through the following browsers: Internet Explorer (10 or higher), Firefox (version 24 or higher), Google Chrome (version 32 or higher) and Safari (version 7 or higher). The application that supports the Draft is not 100% compatible with any version of Internet Explorer.

1.6 In case of need for support to access RealFevr through these browsers, our helpdesk is available through email - [email protected].

2. Intellectual Property

2.1 Website content refers to all the information available to the subscriber, including text, images, photographs, videos, web design and software. All contents provided by RealFevr are protected by copyright under the laws of Portugal and the European Union, and cannot be used outside of the terms and conditions of this website without the formal written consent of RealFevr.

2.2 The intellectual property rights of all RealFevr contents that do not relate to external suppliers and therefore are not properly identified, are owned by RealFevr, including the information, tools, design, images, graphics or text.

2.3 RealFevr rejects any responsibility for the theft and misuse of the above elements, with the exceptions permitted by law, including the right to quote, provided that its origin is clearly identified.

2.4 The contents of this website may not be copied, modified or distributed, except with the formal written consent of RealFevr.

2.5 The Realfevr brand is a proprietary brand owned by Fantasy Revolution Limited. All the other aforementioned brands are property of their respective owners. For more information click here.

3. Registry

3.1 RealFevr is open to all people with internet access, resident or not in Portugal, who register on the platform.

3.2 For users under eighteen (18) years old or in need of legal representation, they should be adequately represented by their parents or legal guardians, who must complete their registration at RealFevr as their legal representatives, taking full responsibility by the user and their respective acts.

3.3 You agree to take responsibility for your login details, such as email address and password.

3.4 By registering at RealFevr you agree that:

Your registration is not transferable and can not be used by any other person to access the content posted by RealFevr; You will do nothing to hinder the RealFevr platform, including trying to access an unauthorized area/account or any other confidential information; You'll get in touch with RealFevr as soon as possible when becoming aware of any unauthorized use of your login details; You'll not evaluate and test the system's vulnerabilities or nulify any security measures installed; You'll not send unsolicited emails, including promotions or advertisements to products or other services.

4. Access suspended or interrupted

4.1 RealFevr reserves the right to interrupt access to the website for a period that determines as necessary, by any technical reasons, administrative, or other motifs that may arise and are not directly contemplated herein.

4.2 Without prejudice to the user, RealFevr is not liable for any access suspension or interruption that may occur as a result of something that is beyond the reach of RealFevr or could be attributed as mere negligence.

5. Advertising and Sponsors

5.1 The platform may contain advertising and sponsors. RealFevr stresses that all advertisers and sponsors are responsible for ensuring that the material received for inclusion on the site complies with the current laws, codes and regulations.

5.2 We exclude any liability for errors or inaccuracies that advertising material or sponsorships may contain. Your relationship with third parties through our platform and any terms, conditions and guarantees with respect to those third parties, including sponsors or advertising materials, are the sole responsibility of the user and the respective third parties. RealFevr does not take any responsibility for the above relationships.

6. Personal data and Privacy Policy

6.1 The entity responsible for the collection and processing of personal data is FANTASY REVOLUTION LDA., limited liability Company, with the share capital of € 50,000.00 (fifty thousand euros), with head office located at Av. Engº Arantes e Oliveira, 3 – Piso S/L B1, 1900 – 221 Lisboa, Portugal, holder of the company registration number 513810951.

6.2 The collected personal data will be used for management of the “RealFevr” platform users; communications between RealFevr and those users, to provide the users with information regarding the game/project, as well as to award prizes if/when applicable.

6.3 Under the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), starting on the 25 th of May 2018, it is guaranteed to the personal data holder, freely and with no applicable restrictions, with reasonable periodicity and free of charges, the access to his personal data, as well as the right to rectify, update, correct, amend, the necessary portability or erase the same, by request in writing addressed to Fantasy Revolution, Lda., and sent by email to [email protected], or by sending the request by mail to Avenida Engenheiro Arantes e Oliveira nº3, S/L B1 – 1900-224 Lisboa, Portugal.

6.4 In case of competitions available on RealFevr where there may exist a partner for that competition (responsible for contents, prizes, advertising, etc.) Fantasy Revolution Lda. shall inform the user of the specific terms and potential exchange of personal data with the respective partners in each competition, always in strict accordance with the GDPR and with the express and informed consent of the user.

6.5. The service providers with whom Fantasy Revolution, Lda. has commercial relationships have ensured that they comply with the RGPD, to make our users' data safer.

6.6. For imperative reasoning and fraud control, we will keep some data provided by users for a maximum period of 5 years, eliminating everything that is considered personal data.

6.7. Fantasy Revolution, Lda. hereby undertakes the firm commitment to guarantee the protection and security of the personal data made available to it, and to respect the legislation applicable to the protection of personal data and protection of privacy. However, Fantasy Revolution, Lda. adverts that the Internet is an open network, and therefore, the personal data may circulate in the network with no security conditions, at the risk of being seen and used by non-authorized third parties.

7. General Provisions

7.1 A user will be automatically disqualified from RealFevr competitions when violating any of its items and/or using any illegal means or expressly prohibited actions for its own or third parties benefit.

7.2 Users agree with all the terms of this regulation without reservations, starting at the moment of registry, and recognize that this regulation can be changed as often as needed, as long as the effectiveness of the disclosure of terms is guaranteed by RealFevr.

7.3 Users acknowledge that there may be parties who may use technological subterfuges in order to get access to their personal data and log or even usurp any RealFevr information and therefore exempt the RealFevr of any liability on this topic.

7.4 RealFevr reserves the right to make any corrective change that applies to actions of third parties that may interfere with the proper workflow of RealFevr.

7.5 All issues not covered by this regulation will be analysed and reported by RealFevr team, with the decisions being final and definitive and subsequently communicated in the RealFevr platform.

7.6 Every user that has read the terms and conditions until this stage and makes RealFevr aware of that fact will receive a congratulatory email.

7.7 Users don't have to pay to play at RealFevr.

8. Contact

8.1 To clarify any questions regarding these terms and conditions, contact us through the following email address: [email protected].